Funeral Director
Enhance your families’ aftercare program by giving
Quiet Moments of Comfort »
Dear Funeral Director:
I am pleased to introduce to you the comforting music of Gathan Graham, an inspired pianist from Oklahoma. Gathan has embarked upon a ministry of carrying his music to the bereaved through funeral establishments and the providers of funeral service.
The fact that music can play an important role in comforting those who grieve the loss of a loved one by death has been long established. Music can be instrumental in easing some of the sharpness of the pain caused by the loss and can be an important part of the dynamics of grief.
The tangible items relating to the funeral that remain after the ceremony has been completed are limited. Those items may include acknowledgment cards, a register book, a death certificate and documents relating to the financial aspects of the funeral service. It is for this reason that Gathan has chosen to make available another tangible item with an immeasurable intangible benefit, that of his comforting piano music recorded in a manner that allows the funeral director to provide the recording to those he serves at very little cost with his or her compliments.
As a funeral director for almost forty years, I am aware of the need to let those being served know of the continuing concern of the funeral service provider for their well being beyond the funeral service. This comforting music is an excellent medium that serves that purpose well. The selections are comprised of familiar religious melodies rendered by Gathan with his unusual and inspiring talent. I ask that you give a few minutes of your time to consider this program.
Thank you for the consideration you may give this opportunity.
Pat Mayes
Past President National Funeral Directors Association